god i love the fact that enough peoble remember ticky to casually slip him in suddenly to end a slash haha
god i love the fact that enough peoble remember ticky to casually slip him in suddenly to end a slash haha
im impressed even though... it was flawed in alot of way the jokes totally saved it. good job man good job.
great animation
good idea but it was a tad boring... its well made dont get me wrong i just well i was expecting something alittle more there ya know it is difficult to keep your attention on it.
whos the little pink one?
surely thats not a little amy hadge hog is it?
its alll i can do....
to keep from entering the fetal postition... im so disturbed right now its not even funny.....
my inner child is dying of cancer now.... and i am disturbed so so badly.. its unreal.... my god. this is rigth up there with the Lloyds.... its good but damn is it demented..... you obviously where tormented as a child lol
actually my childhood was great. now i'm tormented.
what? wow i cant believe this lol well i suppose it makes some people happy. apparently you've done something right. but it is yet unclear to me what.
All in good time my friend.
edit: That's not really a review.
you have no idea...
how badly id like to blow a whistle on this.... i swear there is no way your the true artist of this... not a change.... this is AMAZING! but im giving you the benefit of the doubt. if this is your work it would be better spent trying to get a good graphics design job. seriously. i mean good lord man!
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03