i... O.o
good stuff but review crew? there must have been a shortage of good stuff. this was funny just not really an animation so much as a power point presentation.
i... O.o
good stuff but review crew? there must have been a shortage of good stuff. this was funny just not really an animation so much as a power point presentation.
could use some english subtitles in some spots. over all pretty funny
but you cant help but feel bad for the poor cyclops
hard to find stuff
finding good stick stuff is hard these days. i liked the idea simple beginning middle climax and end. i feel bad for him though that is the irony of being a stick figure and being about to win a million dollars. lol good stuff
Thanks for the review :D.
too many problems
you lack the animation loops like this cant be considered... animations....
the art work is limited to the person and thats shakey and there is no sound at all...
its missing a lot of key factors. you can do better just put in some effort into it understand a good animation takes more than a couple hours. heck it takes a couple days... keep this in mind.
i love the song that animation has a quality about it i adore but i can place my finger on why its so appealing
my big question is where dose Mc Cain actually fit into all this? theres no polotcal statement unless it john mc cain is old senile and is looseing grip on reality. i agree with that.
this cracks me up every time the animation doctoring is amazing .
normally id vote low on things like this but honestly the hortest clip saved it and probably would make it by its self chris lowrey presents shit that was hillarious because it pokes fun at its self. it was poop humor in good taste admittedly
well i see you put a lot of effort into this but you have alot of work ahead of you
you need to sync the voice acting better. :) tray and do your art work outside of MS paint i cant say for sure its done there but it appears that way and its good for MS paint but thats old news. i think what bothered me most was the fact that the people looked like duplo block people. not bad but it needs work there are 3 essential elements to making flash .
1. the artwork which is animated
2. the audio that is in the flash
3. actual animation
your strongest point was the animation and it was slow it seemed things where moving in slow motion.
not bad but not great.
also trying to get extra score by telling them its for University is only gonna make people vote lower.... and also i dont see how that can be true as no university would grade your work bast on the opnions of the people on this site 60% of the people on ng dont vote basted on artistic or animation skill. its the fall of man!
:) good luck and keep working hard
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Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03