i feel like this would have been better if you have just used a sound clip for the highnoon part otherwise welldone.
i feel like this would have been better if you have just used a sound clip for the highnoon part otherwise welldone.
Thanks for the feedback :) I appreciate it!
As for using sound clips, I totally understand where you're coming from - personally I'm not a fan of using sound clips that I haven't created myself - it feels like cheating a bit to me, haha. I like to feel like I've made everything in the video where possible.
Of course I take everything you said on board and I appreciate the time to you took to comment! :) Have a great holiday!
are you more like sweatpants mcpillowfucker or glasses O'fuckaround im curious both seem to be personafications of you specifically.
heheh both and neither.
did you even research the age of some of these cartoons? several where from the 2000's and a few here 80s or even much older... i like what you wanted to do with Arnold but his head was WAYYY to small for his body. or decent at approximating art styles but they seem lazy or hastily drawn. please make sure you put in effort if your going to use copyrighted characters in there original shapes rather than your own style...
I did put in effort, sorry if you thought otherwise
the animation was good the art was damn near spot on. and seriously i dont think you could have done a better job with the voices unless you had gotten the actual voice actor. you wrote the dialogue to spec as well i dont think i could be more happy with the work youve done here. IF your going to parody an animation to a T THIS is a prime example of how to do it.
Thank you so much! That's such a huge compliment :D
excellent animation but you need to work on your lip syncing the mouths where off for the words.
Thank you KyuubiT for your comment! This is really helpful! We will work harder!
I'd like to know why, any suggestions?
Wonchop I'm not certain why you haven't followed a more professional career. you have the talent for writing and animating you could have had a title on network or netflix by now... this series is a valid example.
It's mainly location and money (ie. if you can't afford to move to Canada or whatever you're pretty much hugged)
stop hating >.> it is amazing to me how completely will people are willing to readily ignore the positive aspects of something based in a single point of stigma.... the benefits of this game outweigh the negatives. and the rage inducing part is your making fun of two of the aspects that make this game beneficial to society. 1. its getting people out into the world and exercising and it is getting people socializing as well. im sorry you seem to be an anti social jerk who can't be polite (by the way the likely hood you will be asked if you've seen a pokemon is pretty much nil if you don't have a phone out.) your bitter about something. your bitter about it and you don't even know why.
And I'm positive this isn't a joke... you haven't marked it a parody for one and your comments also make it pretty clear its something you dislike. please do the rest of the world a favor please be quiet and just let people enjoy something.
Dude, is a cartoon... I don't hate on it, i kinda like it tho
this craks a joke on the game im a way thats actually funny.
Thank you for the feedback I am glad you got the joke!
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Age 39, Male
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Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03