wow for a minute there i thought i was gonna have to call the PC butthurt police. then it got funny.
wow for a minute there i thought i was gonna have to call the PC butthurt police. then it got funny.
good thing i cut to the chase quick on that one ;)
fun animation... but i agree i dont have an iphone or a an android phone so i am the unbiased side of this
But this is clearly biased not everyone has an Iphone or Ipad this should have been a multi platform launch because im more likely to get an android before i am an Iphone. your narrowing down your target market. also i find it amazing how biased the staff is in general staff work always seems to get awards and front page. not claiming i've ever made something worthy but maybe make a side spot for staff animations and let more room though for the little guys? i dunno im just talking.
i have several megaman remixes
id love to see you use them or one in a sequel. :D great stuff man i loved this
Thanks, I have to take a listen.
this was awesome
before this the only thing i knew about wing was the episode of southpark she was in. the song was really very inspiring. so wing gets a C for singing voice, B- for lyrics and an A+ for a huge heart.
Wing is the human spirit manifested
ahh i love mine craft
seriously this was worth watchign lol very funny and well drawn
i know what this is.
this is your sig. i can tell by the resolution and size.
naw, this was just from boredom
one million painful parodies movie scenes aside the only thing that held that animation back was a script that could have used a touch of help. i don't claim to be a master at all but i would love to be apart of this team. it was well done specially the animation part i mean it was solid and smooth. like i said the script (dialogue etc etc..) could have been better, the plot was a little contrived but otherwise great!
im an idea guy and i can go voices fairly well. if your interested in anything i have to offer please hit me back with a pm.
good work team :D Rina your voice is as cute as a button as always but then again it always has been.
Thanks for the offer, I will remember it! yes her voice is always <3
you know.
as a smoker i find this not only aggressive but also prejudice. smokers ahve become a type of people and what people are doing to them and how there treating them is not much different from how people where treated just after and for 60 years after the civil war. (you know exactly what i am referring to don't play dumb.)
Don't tread on me. if your so worried about the smoke walk around me. Let me do as i will with me. 2nd hand smoke is a crock those studies are inconclusive. im not allowed to smoke in restaurants. I had to defend myself outside recently (not physically but on a verbal level)
I am a human i have rights too.
your animation skills do need a lot of work. your artistic skills are also a little subpar you will get there im sure just keep workin at it.
Okay look kid...
You are projecting your feelings of inferiority in the wrong direction. Sorry the piece offends you, but honestly, there's such a thing as free speech. On a personal level, if I ever saw you or any other smoker outside, I would NEVER criticize... Well unless they were fueling their car maybe... Please try to distinguish opinionated art from reality.
Judging by your critique, I'm assuming your art and animations are excellent. For that, congratulations.
poop joke quota for the month was met
and some how i alwys seem to catch them lol. this was awesome good job lol
Thanks! Poop more!
i love you man.
ive been a fan of yours for about... 5 years? since before most people knew you existed. since February 21, 2006 to be exact that was the first review i made to your animation "The great weed drought of '03" it was a good one. your a funny cat man. keep up the good work man. dont burn yourself out though :)
thanks for following all this time, i hope i can retain your manlove for another five years!
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03