definatley funny but not as madnessey as it cold have been nice transitions those where funny too.
definatley funny but not as madnessey as it cold have been nice transitions those where funny too.
madnessey as it cold have been
thats a brand new perspective on madness! a new dimention added and a new antagonist which all antagonist must fight? krinkles would be proud! good job
thats an incrediblea blast from the past! and it was literally like a full episodes of wacky races!! they should still show that on tv... id totally watch it. this is a work of art and childhood history! good job!
Glad you like it. They still show it on Boomerang, you should check it out.
first review i hope!
i love your stuff its got a great humor and well animated kudos ive liked your work for a long long time
thanks for sticking with me, i appreciate it!
your the tosser
you bloody rag wanker! :D
Are you accusing me of giving handjobs to used tampons? Because if not, I'll be deeply offended.
good job but i have to say something
Dragon Ball Z art and animation style with forever own newgrounds.... always has always will. and if you dont see it your one of three things.
1. blind
2. stupid
3. you still watch Dragon Ball Z
any of the abovie choices are not very good outcomes.
its number 3
im down the middle on this.....
because it was well made and funny but the message is horrible. i'm all for immigrants coming into the country legally and learning our language so that they can function in our society. but i am madly opposed to immigrants coming in illegally refusing to learn our language forcing schools to begin making Spanish a mandatory class. that has got to stop i will not stand for that this is the United States of America NOT the United States of Mexico and NEVER WILL BE!
Legal immigrants = good
Illegal immigrants= bad
i think my point is legit without making me a monster.
No, I think your a monster.
that was entertaining! i like the new mindy better she looked a lot cooler alot rasier on the eyes but you have to wonder if outdated and discarded tech will one day become self aware and destroy us all. i still have most of my old computers i just recycle them by taking the parts and putting them in new or other pcs but i might begin destroying there hard drives after this... o.o scary.
I think you'll be okay - I think it'd be more like "I, Robot" where the old tech protects us from the sinister new tech. Surrounding yourself with old computers is a wise survival strategy.
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03