nice lol anyone who is gonna be sensative about this needs to get a serious sense of humor :D WOOT NICE WROK!
nice lol anyone who is gonna be sensative about this needs to get a serious sense of humor :D WOOT NICE WROK!
im noticing a rather large pattern involveing toms wife.... it dosent seem.... right but this was hillarious. great job
You look me in the face and tell me that everything on newgrounds is correct.
yeah can't, can ya'! GLAD YA LIKED IT!!!! and just remember I didn't make it with any kind of malice in my heart. I got nothing but love for the fulps.
nice shoop da whoop drop in lol
my inner child is dying of cancer now.... and i am disturbed so so badly.. its unreal.... my god. this is rigth up there with the Lloyds.... its good but damn is it demented..... you obviously where tormented as a child lol
actually my childhood was great. now i'm tormented.
what? wow i cant believe this lol well i suppose it makes some people happy. apparently you've done something right. but it is yet unclear to me what.
All in good time my friend.
edit: That's not really a review.
hard to find stuff
finding good stick stuff is hard these days. i liked the idea simple beginning middle climax and end. i feel bad for him though that is the irony of being a stick figure and being about to win a million dollars. lol good stuff
Thanks for the review :D.
you will get the other half of that 10 then you make it longer :D i know its a collage project but you could actually you know add to it! :) looks good though
Fair enough. it is very short, and I think I might build on it one day, just taking the vibe and general idea from this and making it into a more story fueled animation. Thanks for the review!
:P definately a good farce of phoenix wright! good job implying all the ng faces too lol
Yeah, thankyou.
i find your dislike for clocks.
distrubing and upsetting. the clocks make more quality flah than anyone most spam you see are poser crews or clock wannabes. you serious need to think before you insult an entire flash community. its not polite. actually its extremely rude. decent story
decent animation voice sounded like a 12 year old. and by the way you might want to look up your clock history on NG youd find it hillarious how little if anything at all strawberry had to do with CC :D you get a 5/5 for the work but a shameful 5/10 for your partialism. and yes i am a clock :) i just dont go by my clock name anymore.
I probably know way more of the clocks than you do, as my first animating experience was while being an active member of the clockcrew, "BarcodeClock". I was around in the PillowClock days. This isn't meant to be offensive.
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03