i like it till you struck me deaf suddenly god damn man!!!
I apologize for raping your eardrums even though I'm not sorry
your rendition of the story is my FAVORITE rendition of that story amazing job man!!
i liked it
it was quite good for someone who is so infatuated with outdated anime. i/e DB DBZ and DBGT not that i don't have a palce for them in my heart. i have just outgrown looped fight scenes and boorish scream fests. i thought it was well done and good ideals good job man.
you really could have tried harder.
seriously. you olny use voice programs for robots or clocks simple as that. text bubles will do if your not gonna voice act. the animation movements where sloooowwww it made it painful to watch. try harder next time! i have reviewed to many low end movies today...
Daleks are supposed to be slow
a few things.
1 you need to be aware that reguardless to weather or not legendary frog did it first your not being original becuse you didn't bother to even look. 2 i doubt you asked brain for permission to use his comic concept for the animation. and over all it was a dissapointment it was too much black screen. and not enough action. im sorry but i'd have to say this was rather drab and unoriginal. please fix that you have potnential use it.
rusk1 dude seriously grow the fuck up man.
don't review without watching. i like it i thoguht it was really well done. ^_^ i hope to see more of your stuff on NG. and less people like rusk1.
I don't want to see him either. ROFL, thank you though.
it needs work
just to explain. you need to finish a work before you post it. a ton of characters didn't work. you where to eager to up load or you put too much into it and had to cut down file size. if oyur gonna do taht make the characters that aren't gonna work look un avaliable. im sure people have overed all the other fine points where this movie needs work so i will get of your back. it was okay.
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03