aside from the fact that i had NO IDEA what was going on it was pretty cool.
aside from the fact that i had NO IDEA what was going on it was pretty cool.
the teeth falling out of the head typically symbolizes your self image if your unhappy iwth the way you look or youve recently been put down for your appearance these dreams often occur. the best way to rid yourself of those dreams is to
1. get your self into a shape you are happy with.
2. don't let other peoples opnions of you bother you
3. learn to accept the way you are and make fun of your self which disarms those who would make fun of you.
Reading comments for this animation, I realize everyone has a different diagnosis of what this dream means. It's not a science.
for chrsit sakes why do things have to be so damn dark with the bulk of the brony community. derpy was neer dislike never hated. shes just a ditzy loveable pony. let the dramam go. ive been a brony since the beginning and i think things like this (albeit well done) do mroe harm to the community than help it. its not proper you wanna do an mlp animation make it funny make it insightful don't make a drama out of it.
This...... just.... THIS!!!
i was about to criticize the ever loving jesus out of you. because you know... this fight was decided. decided thoroughly. but then otherstuff happened and it was funny again.
this would have been amusing in 1998.
NICE how did this ide come to you? :) that was clever and unexpected
It's from a comic, check out the website at the title screen :)
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Age 39, Male
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Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03