is this a real issue where facing?
are we in danger of being kicked back to grade school internet searching on our own home computers? or is this a vague concept that came up on the news on day.
is this a real issue where facing?
are we in danger of being kicked back to grade school internet searching on our own home computers? or is this a vague concept that came up on the news on day.
O.0 that...
made me laugh sadness.
just wow
... i think my brain actually burst by the 54 time i watched it. it is in a disturbing way. hypnotic.
being an old fan
it was brilliant. the dane cook part im hoping was an homage to bigfoots mario parodies and not a blatant rip off. and a doctor who reference!? lol i got it but how many other people do you think will? good animation man lol ive missed your stuff.
oh my christ
what kind of magic school bus on crack crap was this? its like the facts of life meets farscape and rygel is gay. its funny i'm pretty sure this was supposed to be a lesson in tolerance and your probably horribly intolerant to those who are uncomfortable around people who chose to enjoy same sex relationships. i think anyone is free to love as they will. but you just seem like your trying awful hard to make a point. this is a site art. after school specials died a decade ago. the animation wasn't too bad i suppose but a few different voices may have been more useful a few of the characters sounded too similar.
the animation could have been smoother but it had a lot of additional redeeming qualities. i some how get the feeling our brains are connected because 94% of the characters displayed i would have put in this not to mention the sheer number of them!
the song was awesome this totally kicked ass.
it was funny.....
but you lost half your points to the retardedly moving faces. no face moves like that when you talk... it just fucked with me too much. it would have been a solid 8 or 9 if that hadnt been the case...
was very clever and well done
a white pimp. i believe that.
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03