jesus that is so fucking twisted
my god that was so twisted it scared me and i had to fucking laugh... jesus god this is acctualy truth in a sence it's an exaggeration of the truth but kudos very very good. ^_~ make more or i will kill you
jesus that is so fucking twisted
my god that was so twisted it scared me and i had to fucking laugh... jesus god this is acctualy truth in a sence it's an exaggeration of the truth but kudos very very good. ^_~ make more or i will kill you
i am glad to be a clock along side you garlic
not many clocks whould respond so politely and niclit it's clocks like you that give the clock crew a good name kudos brother kudos
Thanks man it's nice to have nice comments like yours :) I'm glad I give the clock crew a good reputation :)
good job
the sound quality was absoultely superb i was impressed. the song and animation are a tiny bit off but other than that it was great i gave you a 19 for interation cuase every play button works lol
renegade please use my clock and do another one!!!
turd clock i commend you on your flash abilities and i wonder if i chould persuade you to use my clock in a flash movie. whould you chould you? i'd like that ^_^
wel as i said awesome job keep at it i love your work later
i am shitting my pants from the painful laugther!!
i have olny seen two of your flashes so far and i am totally blown away. come and join us mcbean join the CLOCK SIDE MWAAA HAHAHAAA!!!! I CHRISEN YOU MCBEAN CLOCK RISE TO YOUR CALLING!!!!!!!!!
now that was beautiful
my frind you have brought much pride to the clock crew i honor you for that i name you clock friend. any clock you talk to should be considereda friend from this day foreward. i love Homestar runner and i am in the clock crew so you much pleased me!!! keep up the good work and don't forget to put up a link to there homestar website. much love clock friend
i have seen much funnier weird shit check out Jesus H Christ done by the creator of potter puppet pals and captian lou remanio.
your a sad person if you don't find this funny....
the pube muppit is gross and twisted but it's funny as hell your since of humor is so homophobic that you refuse to even try and find it funny
i'm not gay but i find this to be funny. if you did'nt like it you don't have to watch it and if your gonna review it don't be hurtful so
fuck off and let the clockcrew and pube muppit be!
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03