oh my good sweet jesus!!
i love you. simple as that man.
oh my good sweet jesus!!
i love you. simple as that man.
i really liked this
the whole idea is fresh it's not the same potty humor we get day in and day out here. not to say theres anything wrong with that but i enjoy seeing a good flash like this every once in a while. the kind that makes you feel all fuzzy in size after watching it good job make more.
rezevilfan.... your sad and ignorant.
firstly. claymation takes a loooong time see how smooth his figures move? thats probably about 70 frames a second which means it took him about 20 minutes to do 1 second of film not to mention clay un like computer graphics can screw up on there owm makeing a reshoot nessary. this probably took a month or more to do to be such fine quality. its easier in aspects but far harder in others. think before you say someing you know nothing about. good job as usual knox.
teach me how to animate like that i can't do it for shit! i loved this it was a small movie!! a tradgedy to boot i loved it all the way! i'd say make another but it's hard to do that when your main character dies though right?
atleast you gave clocks hands this time.
B is our god B is our power sorce B is everything in clockdom to be one with B is to be a true Clock.
you know... I first wanted a gigant B to be the source of power for the clocks.. but a staff was easier to fit in the movie.
Thanks for the 9.
thank you jujube this has helped me honestly make a flash tutorial next! i am proud to be a brother in arms with you.
Our people are a strong, proud people. :D
use better graphics for primary visiual things the subliminal stuff was fine. and try useing more creepy sound effects. but it was cool
don't let my scoreing fool you i really liked this
but i am subjective. your animation is better when your useing more comical animation your character realistic (makeing the characters look the way they should) drawing needs a little improvement it's not back but it could be better. get more voice actor. as far as i heard there was 2 a guy and a girl. you need a varity of voices to make the viewer snap to the next character instead of wondering and maybe being able to guess whos talking. otherwise i love the idea it was very funny and as violent as i whould ever want good job and make the next one that much better.
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Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03