once again speachless at your work love it.
once again speachless at your work love it.
my god
i love this . but for some reason i get this nostalgic feeling of the angry bevers when i watch this.
this was terrible
i like your work but this makes me dislike you as a person. and i agree with vysenaja your a total meenie
but it was a lion not a tiger...
very nice
doctor pepper person just be quiet this was a very funny flash you have to know what a phantom poo is i acctually tired to figure it out . and i did then you find the humor.
plus there is no camera you speak of it's just a flash animation program. flash is very difficult to work with so sometimes it's easier to make the scene static and just have moving objects. layers & objects are hard to deal with if you mess up you can kill alot of hard work. think before you attack.
good job the thedoctor ^_^ your a clockfriend
Much <3 to the CC.
it;s to much like the battle field series. iy was good but lacked origionallity.
it was like memento
it was a good flash it had feeling but it did'nt over whelm you. your a very artistic person. ^_^ good job i like this alot.
i don't see what the big deal is
this is very avarge. it lacks alot of things. all of the shell shock series. it seems to be aimed at kids.
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03