not too shabby
but you need more layers i decect at most 6 layers...
not too shabby
but you need more layers i decect at most 6 layers...
its missing somethign i cant put myfinger on it... some more layers would be nice.
very very well done
well stuck to the original idea. it has a ff7 sound to it with a twist of ff4.
heard better but not too shabby for future reference this is Rosa's theme. not "theme of love." not trying to be a dick trying to set the truth right.
Actually you're wrong, this isn't Rosa's theme, this is Cecil and Rosa's theme, the "Theme of Love." If you look on the names the Uematsu gave the tracks, you'll see you're mistaken. Seeing how you haven't done any music and probably didn't discover FF4 until FF7 came out, I'll let it slide.
wow such an obscure game reference.
not many know of this game. i played it on an emulator and damn near beat it. it;s actually a really good game. good job on the remix man kudos
Hell yes! Lufia 1 and 2 are great RPGs, truly one of the better/best RPG series on the SNES. Thanks for the review.
very good
stuck to the original idea remix some of the sounds you gave it a more precise exsistance
little less piano
thats all it need the paino presence is far to strong.
now THATS more like it.
thats more like it my friend a quick catch and drop the good beats on them again after the hook.
kind of dissapointing it just didn't appeal to me.. the most important part of a song is the lead in or the beginning not the very beginning but the start of the song. if you dont hook them there people will stop listening prematurely. i notice you have that issue with some of your music. it turns good after a minute or so. if you hookthem in the first 30 seconds you may get some golds and plats
nicely done
id save it if i liked acoustic. but that wont let me take away from the beauty of the work youve done here. good job
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Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03