i love your work.
it is clean sharp and well done. how ever scott pilgrim (the movie and graphic novels) are both a joke. that is my allowable opinion nothing aginst your craftsmanship at all. :)
i love your work.
it is clean sharp and well done. how ever scott pilgrim (the movie and graphic novels) are both a joke. that is my allowable opinion nothing aginst your craftsmanship at all. :)
on the point of being objective.
the calves are alittle too thick and the feet are alittle small... otherwise awesome
very nice job
im fond of the hair but i would suggest slimming down his neck
! :)
i love your use of color
:) everything looks great i cant really say anything to improve it your style is nice and your own. nudity like this is artistic its not smut :) its a nice piece i 5ed putting you at 3.57 from 3.0 :)
Thank you so much. I means a lot.
i think people are judging harsh
so i gave it a 5 the big issue is there is just too much going on with your character. its wel drawn but i think you just over flourished how much is going on i mean shes a wolf bird bat harpy type creature you morphed her to much. its beautifully done just over the top.
:) i do like it i just think it could have been better if it had been alittle more simple.
I thought so too when I made this picture for JessiQuinn as a part of our arttrade. She really loved her character so I drawn this picture and I was very happy of the picture she did for me of the trade.
Thank you for the Reveiw!
Still surviving but now with a family (no longer)
Age 39, Male
Pest Control Tech
Richmond, VA
Joined on 9/21/03