well. i have a habit of getting on my feet getting my life together then somehow managing to topple my house of cards. you know what i need to do? that i need to stop using cards to build my houses. metaphorically speaking, i am working on a solid foundation and ive anchored 2 jobs now! and a new computer! so i get to play WoW again!! YAY!!! in about a month or two.... yea have to save up money so i can get out on my own yet again. that's okay though. this time i will make sure it sticks. i plan out going to the metaphoric lumber yard to build my "house" out of quality timber this time. I hope every bodies lives are going some what according to plan i know mine hasn't but it will get there!
Also let us not forget our fellow man in japan! there times are dire and they are in need! with what japan has done for most Americans is unseen. a lot of what you see on this site and ideas given to us for technology have some from there from PS3 to Atari from Gigantor to Naruto From some of the first Truly awesome audio equipment to the now awe inspiring entertainment systems. they have helped our quality of life. Do you part to help Donate to the red cross to help those in need.
There are thousands with out homes food and water. there are still many missing and injured.
It is time to show the japan what kind of nation we can be! and to all of you outside of America show them what kind of world we are. I am linking to the American red cross on this post if you read this if anyone reads this. You don't have to donate but you know you can.
American Red Cross Big Red Button
clicking this link will take you to there donations page for many disasters and worldly troubles. it wouldn't hurt to donate to more than one. Be a human being not a human doing.